Sunday, February 9, 2014

What i've been up to: Shopping, Macarons & Beach!

Before starting writing this post, i want to announce something, as this blogging-thingy requires constancy and i'm currently on vacation, so no school, yay! and this usually meant free time, but as you may know i was sick last month, but not just one week or two, THE WHOLE MONTH, really i'm not lying, this chicken pox thing started the 4th of January and i was just kind of acceptable by the end of the month, total waste of time :(.
So during that month i couldn't see anybody but my mom, so when i got better everyone wanted to see me (i don't want to seem popular, i'm really not hahaha) so the last few weeks I've been with my friends and family, and a little shopping (yup, guilty). I just felt you needed a little explanation, so as a solution of this lack of post, i decided to put a schedule (also another reason is that i'm going to the beach which means no internet, but don't worry,  there will be one, so keep reading). Every Wednesday there's going to be a post and maybe some Saturdays also. So remember to visit my blog every Wednesday for a new blog post :)
Let's get into what this blog post is really about, basically shopping hahahah. I do have to tell you that i never ever ever have money to spend on myself, so this week has been like living in heaven, and the reason of this is really odd for me, my dad gave me money to spend on my vacay, i was going to the beach with my friends but it ended up being a major fail, apparently my year hasn't started very well. Anyway, i'm sure there will be amazing things for me this year.

So the first thing i wanted to do when i got better was going to the mall, and i was craving a lipstick, to be more exact, Too Faced La Crème. I bought the shade Razzle Dazzle Rose.
It's sooo pretty, i'm sorry i forgot to take a picture of this one in my lips, i guess i have to upload it later. I'm in love with it, it reminds me of a barbie, you know, the doll (what else, duh) it's like a bright pink, i think it's on trend right now or maybe not hahahha.

Next, there are 4 things, which some of them i like, love or kinda hate.

1.- Not Your Mothers, knotty to nice detangler. It was on sale so i had to buy it. a little advice on this one. DON'T use too much! you just have to apply a little bit, the first time i used it i put a lot on my hair and my hair  was just awful and gooey, but i didn't gave up, the next day i decided to give it another try, but i apply it just a little bit in the back of my head, because i always have knots there, and it worked, kinda, hahah i'm still experimenting with this one, we have a love-hate relationship.

2.- Garnier - BB Cream. I've heard so many amazing things about this one i just had to buy it and they have a version for oily skin, which is perfect for me. I've used a couple of times as my skin is still in recovery from chicken pox. It gives pretty much a light coverage, i really don't want to start using foundation, i'm kinda scared of it, so i'm pleased with this one. 

3.- Sunglasses. So in my country is summer, and it's like the "end" of the season for the stores, as they are starting to sell school stuff boo, even though were are still on summer. Anyway, this two had 50% off, i'm not going to tell you the brand of this as they only sell this only in Chile, i believe, i'm sorry i always try to show you things anyone can get, like worldwide.

4.- Goody - Elastics. So i know this isn't so important to show but there's a little advice from me, since i was little my mom bought cheap elastics and they only last for 2 days, so when i had money to buy my own stuff i invested in this. The first time i bought them they lasted for 1 and a half year, believe it or not. So do that :)

So now let's move to clothes, first i'm going to show you a dress i'm in love with and it was super cheap, 75% off Ah-mazing! 

It's sooo pretty, but again is from a brand only available in Chile, sorry! But don't be so sad, i searched in forever 21, so check out this similar dresses 12345678. Another thing i bought it's a sweater from H&M, i think it's perfect for the beach, because it neither too thick or too thin, i love it! Take a look 

Sorry i couldn't take another photo, i'm going to try to take one of me using it hahah. As you can see it's longer at the back, which i really like.

Ok, so here is my attempt to make this shoes

Be white, which was a complete fail, i used bleach i they turned in to a yellowy-greeny color. not what i wanted.

I think i totally messed it up, any suggestions to fix this?

Finally we have reach the best part of this post, Macarons!
It's time for another story, my story with macarons, be prepared. So the first time i travelled to paris was like 4 years ago, it was amazing, but i didn't meet these beauties until i was leaving Paris (i'm so dumb!) I was at the airport and they have this Ladureé Store, and i look at these beautiful, colorful cookies and luckily i had some euros left so i bought a box as a present for my family. 17 hours later (yes, that's how far paris is from my country, it sucks) i arrived home and that was the moment i fell in love with macarons, they were so delicious and soft and so .. i can't even explain it to you, you have to try it, and if you have you'll know what i mean.
I was obsessed with these and nobody (at that time) sold these in my country, so i was determined so make them, also my sister was involved in this as she fell in love too! So we bought all the ingredients and try to make them, complete fail, and we tried and tried, until i gave up. I kept like this until a few days ago this obsession came back, so i looked over the internet and i always liked the videos from a page called Joy of baking she makes amazing recipes! so definitely check her out, she also makes YouTube videos which make it easier. So she made this post which is awesome, she shows you every step in the video and i tried it and it worked! i was soooo happy, it was the first time my attempt was successful, yay! look at them

Successfully delicious!

If you are interested in some tips which really make the difference, here are some:
  • Must haves: oven thermometer, you can buy from amazon here. I bought mine from a store here and it cost like 10 dollars, believe me it's really worth it and important! Another thing is a food scale, this is absolutely necessary, you have to be precise, then again in amazon you can find really cheap ones, check it out here, or even if amazon it's kind of expensive for you, in terms of shipping, there is always a kitchen ware store, the scale that i use i inherited from my grandma. And lastly a food processor, if your local supermarket doesn't sell almond flour (like in my case) you can make your own by grinding almonds, it's really easy. (I recommend peeled almonds)
  • Not really necessary: so everyone who makes cooking videos use kitchenaids or that types of mixers, but i did it with a hand mixer, even though your arm gets a bit tired, you can still achieve the same result, of course kitchenaids are so helpful but i don't have 300 dollars or something to spend. Silpats, these are amazing but somewhat expensive as well, you can use parchment paper, it works really well, the only difference is that silpats gives to the macarons a shiny bottom, on the other hand, on the parchment paper, a little part of the cookie sticks to the paper.
  • Other important tips: Sieve everything, even twice, the more you sieve the more blended it is and you avoid lumps. Be patient, when you are done pipping wait 30 minutes or even an hour, this part of the recipe it's important! Also when you get them out of the oven wait a little bit, like 5 to 10 minutes to let them cool down, if you try to get them out, even on a silpat, you'll crack them, you'll separate the "foot" (which is the bottom part of the cookie, the one with bubbles) from the top part. if you wait you can easily get them out.
Hope this tips are helpful and maybe i motivated you to make these delicious cookies. You can do it!

I'm sorry this post is so long, but i promise we're getting to the end, as i told you at the beginning i'm going to the beach. I always go to a small town in the north of chile, i've been going there for vacation for 17 years (yup, my whole life, and my family has for 25) here's a photo

Really beautiful huh?
I love it plus is super relaxing as nobody goes there.

Lastly, my family wanted to a little plant vegetables in our yard, so i have tomatoes, zucchinis, onions, potatoes and many more things, so this is what i harvested. 

Also i have some peppers

 Some potatoes

Some basil

And some grapes

 I do want to point out that the zucchinis were gigantic, i mean look at this photo, the one from the right is a normal one

And while i was doing this, this one was asking for food as always, if you want to know more about him, his name is Joaquin, he is super fat because he only eats and sleep and is super grumpy.

So thats everything, i feel like i just vomited my life in this post hahaha, it's a long post so if you survived until here, congratulations! You have survived the longest post ever! hope you enjoyed it, i know it wasn't all beauty-related, but i just wanted to tell you some things.

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  1. Love this post, particularly the photos of the beach, its nice to see the sun as its currently very dull and cold here in the UK, roll on Spring!

    1. Thanks! but here were a live is sooo hot! yesterday the temperature was 34°C.
      Even though the UK is very cold i still like it very much!
