So I was nominated for this award by Francesca, and I was sooooooooo excited about it, even though I didn't knew what that was hahaha. I really wasn't expecting it as my blog is barely new and the last couple of days it has been growing like crazy! The Liebster Award helps to recognize new bloggers and bloggers who have less than 200 followers who are trying to promote their blog. The Liebster Award works by nominating 11 blogs that I like and asking the owner of the blogs 11 questions.
So here's the rules:
- You must link back to the person who nominated you
- You must answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominee before you
- You must 11 pick nominees with under 200 followers to answer your questions
- You cannot nominate the person who nominated you
- You must let the people you nominate know they have been nominated
1. If you could have dinner with three celebrities, alive or dead who would you choose?
Ansel Elgort, Sam Claflin and Josh Duhamel.
2. What are your three favourite makeup brands?
Too Faced, Lancôme and Benefit.
3. What's your favourite store to shop?
Probably H&M or Forever 21.
4. Why did you start blogging?
Just wanted to share my favorite things and meet new people.
5. What's your favourite quote?
"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence."
-Helen Keller
6. Who inspires you the most?
I know everyone says this but I really mean it, my mom and my sisters, and I think every single person in my family.
7. If you could have a magical power what would it be and why?
Definitely being able to fly or levitate, it must be awesome to go wherever you want and not walk.
8. When shopping for clothes do you prefer online shopping or instore shopping?
I prefer instore, because I can try clothes and see it they fit me properly.
9. If you could be anyone other than yourself for 24 hours who would it be?
mmmm.. I think Kylie Jenner, just because I think her life is great.
10. What do you dislike the most about blogging?
I don't know.. I really like to blog. When I have one I'll put it.
11. What are 3 of your perfect imperfections?
If this means things I don't like about myself but I accept them, then it should be nose, legs and temper.
The last 2 were so difficult! I took me like 30 mins. to answer, really. So now my questions:
- If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you like to go?
- Favorite Movie
- Who would you like to meet in person? (it could be alive or dead) Why?
- Which is your favorite season?
- Name your 3 celebrities crushes.
- 2 random facts about yourself.
- Favorite accessory.
- Current obsession.
- Favorite color to paint your nails.
- Favorite singer/band
- Name 2 Youtubers/Bloggers you like.
- Velvet Waterfalls
- Frankie's Planet
- The Sea of Fashion
- Mint beauty
- Live like a Beauty
- The Blond Blog
- Lip Gloss & Loose Curls
- Beauty Aware
- We Heart Fashion
- Coffee and Clothes
- Jessxxoxo
I feel like I can't post something without a picture, so here's one of my dog. *dies of cuteness*